Mary Lekoshere Illustrated

Is there life after the October 31 Project?
October 22, 2009, 8:33 am
Filed under: Octboer 31 Project

For starters, there IS a life after this project: mine. :) I intend, as much as possible, to spend November 1st sleeping and reading. Book club occurs November 2nd. I’ve only read a few pages of my requirement! So maybe I won’t be sleeping November 1st afterall. :)

It is my hope that November 1st does not bring a mass exodus from my Blog by all of you! The Blog may have been broken in by this project, but the plan is to have it around for a long time. And what can you expect to see? Well, I’ll tell you.

Before October, my ongoing projects were getting my children’s books prepared to send to publication. I have two sent, and one still lingering in my studio waiting to go. So my plan is to include you all in the process. I intend to document my journey with each book (although I ‘m not sure about displaying the finished product–don’t want to run into trouble with a potential publisher.) I will post sketches and my ideas and ask for feedback! Sometimes I am torn with which idea to pursue…

Not only that, but I intend to begin a sketch book–I’ve tried recently, but this time it will happen! I need to get reconnected with the skill of accurate representation. My drawing needs help. I will be posting bits from that as well.

Thirdly, I will continue to recommend websites to you, and introduce you to art that I am discovering.

Any other ideas?

Update on Peter Pan: I ran into the trouble of wanting to do a big piece, but not being able to scan it in. She is going to help with the process by merging the images in PhotoShop. God bless Graphic Designers. We have agreed to meet Monday evening. So, yes, that means the project will be complete by MONDAY! But, I have come to the decision that it will be my Grand Finale, so you will not see it until October 31. :) I’ve a guest passing through tonite and he won’t get in til Midnight. So I intend to work until then. My goal is to have all the inn’s work complete by 2pm and have the rest of the day to devote to artwork. My project today is first in a series of 4 from my mom. Yes, count the days, we are running out of days and not running out of ideas. That does mean, that some good ideas will be left out. BUT, not to say they won’t arise at a later date…. Until later,then…